I hate shaving. Like, really hate it. We hate while I really could be doing other activities that probably wouldn’t make me bleed that I have to spend my time shaving my feet, pits and vagina. We dislike that my brand new apartment has a shower that is small and no bath tub, making the shaving process that much more uncomfortable. We hate that my skin is sensitive and painful, and another swipe that is grave cause razor burn for days.HOME MADE ALOE VERA SKINCARE DISHES AND RECOMMENDATIONS
I understand this what you’re thinking: how doesn’t she just go get waxed? That’s why due to the laborious and sensitive epidermis.
My first experience at a waxing beauty salon was at age 17, we knew to anticipate discomfort, but I became perhaps not ready for just what would be tantamount to come as I sat into the waiting room. It absolutely was comprehensive and agony that is utter. I think we cried.
“Look. See? Definitely better, ” the sadist said, as she set up a mirror to my nether-regions which can be sore. All we saw were dots that are red the hair roots should have been.
My waxing that is 2nd defeat when I had been 21. And after one look, my boyfriend stated. “your vagina appears mad.”
Ever since, I’ve stuck to shave, even though it’s very little more fun. As you probably know, razor burn is no laugh. I attempted everything to have the bumps and discomfort to stop, including epidermis that is actually high priced that did nothing at all.
Then, three years ago, I was(yeah that is sunbathing yeah, I know) at the beach with a friend whom told me about Tend Skin.