Top 10 Calorie Foods for Weight Loss

Top 10 Calorie Foods for Weight Loss

If you are an individual who wants to lose weight and cannot figure how to go about it then you have landed on the right page. Apart from physical exercises and weight loss pills, there is another method which can help you lose weight and that too in a beneficial manner. This method is stated easily and is quite easy to reach as well.Spring-risotto

Just what your calories! Yes, just by being conscious of the calories that you consume per day, you can help yourself to lose the desired amount of weight. There are numerous food items which are low on the calorie content and can be eaten in generous quantities to avoid gaining weight. The following is a list of the top 10 calorie foods for weight loss:
1. Hearty Egg Sandwich

Hearty Egg Sandwich

The first on this list is the hearty egg sandwich which is a satisfying meal and is also abundant on the protein content. This sandwich contains 397 calories and can complete your tummy for a long period of time.
2. Burger and an Ice Cream

Burger and an Ice Cream

Another item that you can eat to cover your tummy and keep the calories in check is a burger and an ice cream. This combination contains a total of 415 calories.
3. Pasta Bolognese

Pasta Bolognese

Pasta Bolognese is the third item on this list and it contains 399 calories. You can try a lightened up version of this pasta and restrain from gaining extra weight.
4. Chicken Tuscan Panini

Chicken Tuscan Panini

Chicken Tuscan Panini manufactured by Lean Cuisine along with grapes collectively account for 403 calories and are the fourth item on this list of top calorie foods for weight loss.
5. Ben & Jerry’s Chocolate

Ben & Jerry’s Chocolate

For an amazing evening, try eating ½ Cup of Ben & Jerry’s chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream topped with chocolate syrup, non dairy whipped topping and cherries. This combination contains 396 Calories.
6. Blueberry


As far as breakfast is concerned, you can try 2 frozen blueberry waffles with 2 teaspoon butter and ¾ Cup of blueberries. This combo contains 413 calories.
7. Chocolate Pie

Chocolate Pie

Milk chocolate pie is the future yummy item on this list which contains 380 calories and can be eaten as a dessert.
8. Donkin Donuts Plain Bagel, Small Iced Coffe, Skim Milk

Donkin Donuts Plain Bagel, Small Iced Coffe, Skim Milk

A dunking Donuts plain bagel along with small iced coffee with skim milk is another wonderful combo which contains less than 400 calories and fills up the tummy as well.
9. Hummus Dip, Carrot Sticks, Red Pepper Sticks

Hummus Dip, Carrot Sticks, Red Pepper Sticks

If you are just looking for a high fiber diet, then you can have hummus dip along with carrot sticks and red pepper sticks. This snack item collectively contains 405 calories.
10. Spring risotto

Spring risotto

The last item on this list is a spring risotto containing 384 calories.


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